Create Unforgettable Memories At Cuan Law! Where Adventure Meets Luxury

Discover Adventure and Luxury with Cuan Law in the British Virgin Islands Nestled amidst the azure waters of the Caribbean, Cuan Law, the largest...

Why is Cuan Law named Cuan Law?

Cuan Law is the third in the fleet of trimarans designed and built by the original owners of Trimarine Boat Company, Duncan and Annie Muirhead....

What is a Trimaran?

When it comes to sailing, the type of vessel you choose can make all the difference in your experience on the water. If you’ve spent time...

A summer reminder – why is Cuan Law such a great option for Families?

Hi again. We are often asked about why Cuan Law is a good choice for families and the answers vary as much as your family does – which is...

BVI Wreck Week June 16-22, 2024

So you like gentle Wreck Diving and fun out of the water too? Well BVI Wreck Week which runs June 16 (Father’s Day) to June 22 is one to mark on...

BVI Wreck Week 2023

Placid waters and consistent wind make the British Virgin Islands a sailing paradise. Centuries of trouble in paradise, however, have made the...